Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who Do Superheroes Look Up to??

How to Keep God at the Center of Your Life

     Nurses truly are the superheroes in our community.  They take care of those in need, they save lives, and they have compassion for all those around them.  They don't care about the dirty, nasty things that the human body is capable of producing, they just want that human to be thriving; as healthy and happy as possible.  Their superpowers include extreme grace, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, care, dedication, determination, and of course, an extreme knowledge base! It is not an easy job to have, and not everybody is capable of doing it, however some are truly called to be nurses in our society to heal, help, educate, and encourage the human race.  Now if nurses are superheros in our society, who do they look up to?  Doctors, physicians, scientists, and managers may be some people that first come to mind, although to truly embrace the superhero capacity of being the best nurse possible, the true and only thing or person to look up to is God.


     Nursing school can be a tremendous challenge for students, especially experiencing the very first semester.  The entire course and framework of classes is entirely different and the mindset must be changed to always be "critically thinking." Now we all know that the work load and subject content can be overwhelming at times.  Very quickly nursing becomes the absolute center of our lives and focus of every moment of everyday.  While this does make us seem like a dedicated student, this will definitely lead us straight into insanity, overload, and burnout.  There needs to be a balance in life or we will become subject to fatigue, bitterness, and even coldheartedness through the stressful times that are to be encountered.  So how to avoid this?  God must be the center of our lives.  It cannot be Jarvis or Potter and Perry as our primary resource to get through life.  Now these will definitely help us pass nursing, but not enjoy or embrace it.  So God must be the absolute center of what we do as nurses.  Here are some ways to do this:

  • Have devotion every single day
    • At the beggining or end, or even in the middle.  Some people function better by starting off the day positively with encouragement by beginning in God's word, and give them motivation to get through the day.  Some people may need a booster in the middle of the day to let the first half of the day go, and be reenergized for the second half.  Others may find it most useful to lay down at night and get in a relaxed state, letting all the stresses of the day go by resting in the word of God.
  • Make God your mindset
    • In everything that you do, have the presence of God in your heart and let him rule in your mind to be the foundation of your motivations.
  • Pray, pray, then pray some more
    • Being in constant communication with God will keep a continual peace and hope over you.  Instead of worrying about your problems internally, praying about them will help relieve and lessen the stress and overwhelming feeling.
  • Place God all around your life
    • Post your favorite verses around your home as constant reminders of how to be a follower of Christ.  Meditate on different verses a week, and focus on what teachings they have to offer. Invest in spiritual mentours who will help carry your burdons and give you advice.  Choose friends wisely.  Confide in motivational and encouraging people who will help you grow in your faith and uplift you.
  • Dont let the little things get to you
    • There will always be obstacles to overcome and little things that put a damper in the week.  If you let the little things affect you, it will be easy to self destruct.  Brush them off with a little prayer and allow God to lead you through the day.
  • Give all of your struggles to God
    • Instead of taking all your burdons on your own shoulders and letting them really bring you down, use God as a resource to give your struggles to in order to find new strength.
     These are all just a few simple little ways that can truly change the way that you think, act and take on every single day.  To truly be the best superhero you can be, God must be the center of everything that you do in your long journey and training to be a spectacular nurse!!